Nutritional Therapy

  • “All disease begins in the gut” Hippocrates stated 2000 years ago.
  • 70% of our immune system is in the gut!
  • Gut bacteria manufacture about 95% of the body’s serotonin, which influences both our mood and brain.

Research and science

As you can see research and science has been gradually building a picture of how important our gut is to our overall health.

The human body is not a set of individual systems that can be supported in isolation. Each part whether that is the heart, lungs, skin, immune system, nervous system etc, they all work synergistically – together. If one is out of balance and causing health issues it very often affects others……

….for example, our gut interacts with our brain, so if our gut is playing up causing issues such as bloating, wind, constipation etc very often our brain can be affected expressing as anxiety or brain fog etc.

Fixing the gut can often lead to fixing the mind. Although a very overused phrase now but still so true, we are what we eat, (as a nutritional therapist I would qualify this as we are what we absorb). If we put nutritionally poor food into us how can we expect to lead a healthy energised life. We wouldn’t expect a car to run smoothly if we didn’t provide it with the correct oil and fuel so why do we expect our body to.

Nutritional therapy seeks to identify the root cause of any health issues.

Working together, we identify possible

  • Nutrient deficiencies, often through functional testing
  • Hormonal changes or imbalances
  • Blood sugar irregularities
  • Interrupted sleep patterns
  • Stressors and stress management
  • And lifestyle changes, such as positive connectivity to others and purpose in life…….
    …………the list goes on.

Once identified

We address these issues to bring you back to optimum health. This is SO powerful as it allows you to take back control.

And, loss of positive, helpful control can sometimes manifest itself in unhealthy relationships with food. Sometimes we’ve practised calorie counting so many times that we now view food as either good food, or bad food, something to feel momentarily good about, or guilty about. This leads to confusion, negative emotions and associations with food and worse still, we give up trying to create lasting change in our diet altogether!

Many of us along the journey through life may have lost the innate pleasure of simple healthy eating.

Good food and eating well has been tried and tested scientifically in hundreds of studies as having the power to resolve so many of our health problems. And it’s never too late to optimise your health through delicious, wholesome and filling nutritional food.