Lisa says “When Helen, 53, consulted me she gave her fitness level a score of 5 to 6 out of ten and needed my help to reduce her stress levels. Whilst she had been to yoga and Pilates classes in the past, she knew that she needed to find a way of committing to exercise, and added to this her ambition to do a long distance challenge walk, she needed to improve her fitness.
I devised a simple, quick but effective set of workouts that she could incorporate into her busy life and this is what she said…
“Having a session with Lisa is more like good fun than hard work. She is very professional, but also very friendly so not too serious. I liked the attention to my own particular wants – being able to have a set of exercises to work on in my own home, not in a gym setting. Great care was taken to explain how I should work to protect my joints and my back. I feel Lisa was able to motivate me by producing a regime which was not out of my reach, and I know that I will have support whenever I need”.
Just one example of how we work on a plan together, and ensure it’s designed around you, your goals, lifestyle, and likes and dislikes. That way you’re more likely to enjoy it and it might even soon seem effortless! Can you imagine if that’s how it felt? Going from “urgh! Can’t be bothered, too tired, too much to do, hate exercise”…. to …. “This is for me, this is what I want to do and nothing will get in the way!”