Melissanames have been changed to retain patient privacy

When I first met Melissa, says Lisa, she was being pulled in many directions. A self-employed mum, who as well as running her own business was writing her first book. She wanted my help to put structure and routine into her week. Whilst she was very clear on her personal health goals, including entering a fitness competition and quitting sugar, she was struggling to STICK to her goals and described her commitment as “90% and making excuses”.

We took a deep dive into what was preventing her from taking the next step and with careful questioning and coaching uncovered that she was feeling unsupported.

She realised that was holding her back from prioritising her own self care and so she was able to talk constructively to her partner about her needs. By expanding their communication they were able to agree a plan to share more of the childcare, enabling her to devote quality time towards her needs and goals.

As well as uncovering some of the blocks to success, we worked on simple strategies that she could implement each day to schedule her time better, so that she could feel more in control and reduce her stress levels.
Taking back control of how we are feeling, and putting our health and wellbeing as top priority can have FAR REACHING positive effects.